In this article I highlighted the fact that – on a historical basis – the financial sector is in “oversold” territory. As I also mentioned, this fact does NOT mean that a bottom and/or immediate reversal to significantly higher ground is necessarily imminent. But it does suggest we should be paying attention.
I also highlighted an indicator that has done a reasonably good job of identifying buying opportunities for the financial sector in the past, and that a new “bullish” signal will occur once this (monthly) indicator reverses (which again, does NOT mean that financial stocks are guaranteed to rally once that occurs, only that it has displayed a tendency to do so in the past).
Financial Stocks and the Election Year
I will be paying particularly close attention if the indicator in the linked article gives a bullish signal sometime in the next several months because we will be entering the second part of an election year, which has historically been favorable for financial stocks.
Figure 1 displays the cumulative total return for ticker FSRBX (Fidelity Banking Sector) ONLY during the months of July through December of each election year since 1988 (the fund started trading in 1986).

Figure 1 – Cumulative % return for ticker FSRBX ONLY during Jul-Dec of Election Years (1986-2020)
Figure 2 displays the results in table format.

Figure 2 – FSRBX total return July-December of election years (1988-2020)
The median gain during this five-month period was +14.7%. The one losing period was 2008 when the fund lost -12.0%.
So if the indicator detailed in the linked article – and displayed at the bottom of Figure 3 below peaks and closes a month lower than the previous month it could offer a bullish alert for investors in the financial sector.

Figure 3 – Ticker FSRBX (Courtesy AIQ TradingExpert)
Jay Kaeppel
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